
Customer oriented, Unipost Financial answers the new requirements concerning postal services, assure a large functional cover and adjust comfortably to the specific regulations...more

Being the work output of recognized professional and experts in information and communication technologies and recognized professional experts , Unipost Financial is the most important software package of the financial postal services.

Conceived around a J2EE architecture in multi third with customer standard Web, Unipost Financial allows a flexible deployment as well as the protection of existing software and hardware investments. It is also characterized by an an availability at any times and an accessibility any where with a personalized look and shape...more



Unipost Financial articulates around two main components :

  • Unipost Financial kernel, real backbone of the system. It constitutes the main functional and technical infrastructure.. more
  • a set of specific postal professional applications of the Front and back-office... more

Unipost Financial integrates easily with the other applications used by the common services of the whole sytem (HRMS, CRM, etc.).

Unipost Financial is designed to help take up challenges with more of confidence.

Unipost Financial : the driving force of your business


E-mail :
Tel. : +216 71 86 29 55 - Fax : + 216 71 86 29 56
Rue du lac d'Annecy, Imm. Astrée - Les Berges du lac - 1053 Tunis, Tunisia